Bus tickets from São Vicente SP to Rodoviária Novo Rio
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- Departure at 7 hours 50 minutes arrival at destination 17 hours 50 minutes, this trip will last approximately 10 hoursSão Vicente - SPRio de Janeiro - RJRodoviária Novo RioThe ticket price is 251,99 reais, plus taxes.Choose tripOperated by company Sampaio
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- Departure at 8 hours 50 minutes arrival at destination 18 hours 35 minutes, this trip will last approximately 9 hours 45 minutesSão Vicente - SPRio de Janeiro - RJRodoviária Novo RioThe ticket price is 244,99 reais, plus taxes.Choose tripOperated by company Util
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- Departure at 8 hours 50 minutes arrival at destination 18 hours 35 minutes, this trip will last approximately 9 hours 45 minutesSão Vicente - SPRio de Janeiro - RJRodoviária Novo RioThe ticket price is 267,99 reais, plus taxes.Choose tripOperated by company UtilOnly 8 available seats
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- Departure at 8 hours 50 minutes arrival at destination 18 hours 35 minutes, this trip will last approximately 9 hours 45 minutesSão Vicente - SPRio de Janeiro - RJRodoviária Novo RioThe ticket price is 298,99 reais, plus taxes.Choose tripOperated by company UtilOnly 3 available seats
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- departing at 18 hours 20 minutes on Sunday, January 26, 2025, 06:20 PM and expected to arrive at the destination at 2 hours 55 minutes on Monday, January 27, 2025, 02:55 AM.This trip will last approximately 8 hours 35 minutesSão Vicente - SPRio de Janeiro - RJRodoviária Novo RioThe ticket price is 175,99 reais, plus taxes.Choose tripOperated by company Sampaio
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- departing at 18 hours 20 minutes on Sunday, January 26, 2025, 06:20 PM and expected to arrive at the destination at 2 hours 55 minutes on Monday, January 27, 2025, 02:55 AM.This trip will last approximately 8 hours 35 minutesSão Vicente - SPRio de Janeiro - RJRodoviária Novo RioThe ticket price is 267,99 reais, plus taxes.Choose tripOperated by company SampaioOnly 3 available seats
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- departing at 20 hours 20 minutes on Sunday, January 26, 2025, 08:20 PM and expected to arrive at the destination at 5 hours 25 minutes on Monday, January 27, 2025, 05:25 AM.This trip will last approximately 9 hours 5 minutesSão Vicente - SPRio de Janeiro - RJRodoviária Novo RioThe ticket price is 189,99 reais, plus taxes.Choose tripOperated by company Util
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- departing at 21 hours 35 minutes on Sunday, January 26, 2025, 09:35 PM and expected to arrive at the destination at 6 hours 10 minutes on Monday, January 27, 2025, 06:10 AM.This trip will last approximately 8 hours 35 minutesSão Vicente - SPRio de Janeiro - RJRodoviária Novo RioThe ticket price is 205,99 reais, plus taxes.Choose tripOperated by company Sampaio
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- departing at 21 hours 35 minutes on Sunday, January 26, 2025, 09:35 PM and expected to arrive at the destination at 6 hours 10 minutes on Monday, January 27, 2025, 06:10 AM.This trip will last approximately 8 hours 35 minutesSão Vicente - SPRio de Janeiro - RJRodoviária Novo RioThe ticket price is 270,99 reais, plus taxes.Choose tripOperated by company SampaioOnly 3 available seats
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- departing at 21 hours 35 minutes on Sunday, January 26, 2025, 09:35 PM and expected to arrive at the destination at 6 hours 10 minutes on Monday, January 27, 2025, 06:10 AM.This trip will last approximately 8 hours 35 minutesSão Vicente - SPRio de Janeiro - RJRodoviária Novo RioThe ticket price is 308,99 reais, plus taxes.Choose tripOperated by company SampaioOnly 1 available seats