Bus tickets from Rodoviária Tietê to Ponto de Apoio
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- departing at 7 hours on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 07:00 AM and expected to arrive at the destination at 15 hours 29 minutes on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 03:29 PM.This trip will last approximately 1 day 8 hours 29 minutesSão Paulo - SPRodoviária TietêJequié - BAPonto de ApoioThe ticket price is 612,00 reais, plus taxes.Choose tripOperated by company GontijoOnly 4 available seats
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- departing at 7 hours 30 minutes on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 07:30 AM and expected to arrive at the destination at 15 hours 1 minute on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 03:01 PM.This trip will last approximately 1 day 7 hours 31 minutesSão Paulo - SPRodoviária TietêJequié - BAPonto de ApoioThe ticket price is 684,00 reais, plus taxes.Trip Sold outOperated by company GontijoSold out
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- departing at 8 hours on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 08:00 AM and expected to arrive at the destination at 13 hours 42 minutes on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 01:42 PM.This trip will last approximately 1 day 5 hours 42 minutesSão Paulo - SPRodoviária TietêJequié - BAPonto de ApoioThe ticket price is 566,00 reais, plus taxes.Trip Sold outOperated by company GontijoSold out
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- departing at 8 hours on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 08:00 AM and expected to arrive at the destination at 13 hours 42 minutes on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 01:42 PM.This trip will last approximately 1 day 5 hours 42 minutesSão Paulo - SPRodoviária TietêJequié - BAPonto de ApoioThe ticket price is 567,00 reais, plus taxes.Trip Sold outOperated by company GontijoSold out
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- departing at 8 hours on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 08:00 AM and expected to arrive at the destination at 13 hours 42 minutes on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 01:42 PM.This trip will last approximately 1 day 5 hours 42 minutesSão Paulo - SPRodoviária TietêJequié - BAPonto de ApoioThe ticket price is 567,00 reais, plus taxes.Trip Sold outOperated by company GontijoSold out
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- departing at 8 hours 30 minutes on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 08:30 AM and expected to arrive at the destination at 12 hours 55 minutes on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 12:55 PM.This trip will last approximately 1 day 4 hours 25 minutesSão Paulo - SPRodoviária TietêJequié - BAPonto de ApoioThe ticket price is 566,00 reais, plus taxes.Trip Sold outOperated by company GontijoSold out
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- departing at 8 hours 30 minutes on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 08:30 AM and expected to arrive at the destination at 14 hours 15 minutes on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 02:15 PM.This trip will last approximately 1 day 5 hours 45 minutesSão Paulo - SPRodoviária TietêJequié - BAPonto de ApoioThe ticket price is 566,00 reais, plus taxes.Trip Sold outOperated by company GontijoSold out
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- departing at 8 hours 30 minutes on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 08:30 AM and expected to arrive at the destination at 12 hours 50 minutes on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 12:50 PM.This trip will last approximately 1 day 4 hours 20 minutesSão Paulo - SPRodoviária TietêJequié - BAPonto de ApoioThe ticket price is 632,00 reais, plus taxes.Trip Sold outOperated by company GontijoSold out
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- departing at 12 hours on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 12:00 PM and expected to arrive at the destination at 16 hours 36 minutes on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 04:36 PM.This trip will last approximately 1 day 4 hours 36 minutesSão Paulo - SPRodoviária TietêJequié - BAPonto de ApoioThe ticket price is 566,00 reais, plus taxes.Trip Sold outOperated by company GontijoSold out
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- departing at 12 hours on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 12:00 PM and expected to arrive at the destination at 16 hours 36 minutes on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 04:36 PM.This trip will last approximately 1 day 4 hours 36 minutesSão Paulo - SPRodoviária TietêJequié - BAPonto de ApoioThe ticket price is 567,00 reais, plus taxes.Trip Sold outOperated by company GontijoSold out