Bus tickets from Pires Ferreira CE to São Luís do Curu CE
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- Departure at 6 hours 56 minutes arrival at destination 12 hours 51 minutes, this trip will last approximately 5 hours 55 minutesPires Ferreira - CESão Luís do Curu - CEThe ticket price is 61,65 reais, plus taxes.Choose tripOperated by company Expresso GuanabaraOnly 10 available seats
Travel with connection - trips with this sign have connections on the route.
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- Departure at 6 hours 56 minutes arrival at destination 17 hours 17 minutes, this trip will last approximately 10 hours 21 minutesPires Ferreira - CESão Luís do Curu - CEThe ticket price is 100,05 reais, plus taxes.Choose triptravel with connection
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- Departure at 6 hours 56 minutes arrival at destination 17 hours 27 minutes, this trip will last approximately 10 hours 31 minutesPires Ferreira - CESão Luís do Curu - CEThe ticket price is 100,15 reais, plus taxes.Choose triptravel with connection
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- Departure at 6 hours 56 minutes arrival at destination 17 hours 54 minutes, this trip will last approximately 10 hours 58 minutesPires Ferreira - CESão Luís do Curu - CEThe ticket price is 104,15 reais, plus taxes.Choose triptravel with connection