Bus tickets from Capelinha MG to Paraopeba MG
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- Departure at 8 hours arrival at destination 16 hours 50 minutes, this trip will last approximately 8 hours 50 minutesCapelinha - MGParaopeba - MGThe ticket price is 218,66 reais, plus taxes.Choose tripOperated by company Pássaro Verde
Travel with connection - trips with this sign have connections on the route.
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- Departure at 8 hours arrival at destination 19 hours 20 minutes, this trip will last approximately 11 hours 20 minutesCapelinha - MGParaopeba - MGThe ticket price is 219,35 reais, plus taxes.Choose triptravel with connection
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- Departure at 8 hours arrival at destination 21 hours 34 minutes, this trip will last approximately 13 hours 34 minutesCapelinha - MGParaopeba - MGThe ticket price is 219,36 reais, plus taxes.Choose triptravel with connection
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- Departure at 8 hours arrival at destination 21 hours 34 minutes, this trip will last approximately 13 hours 34 minutesCapelinha - MGParaopeba - MGThe ticket price is 219,66 reais, plus taxes.Choose triptravel with connection
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- Departure at 8 hours arrival at destination 19 hours 20 minutes, this trip will last approximately 11 hours 20 minutesCapelinha - MGParaopeba - MGThe ticket price is 222,31 reais, plus taxes.Choose triptravel with connection
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- Departure at 8 hours arrival at destination 18 hours 10 minutes, this trip will last approximately 10 hours 10 minutesCapelinha - MGParaopeba - MGThe ticket price is 223,11 reais, plus taxes.Choose triptravel with connection
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- Departure at 8 hours arrival at destination 19 hours 15 minutes, this trip will last approximately 11 hours 15 minutesCapelinha - MGParaopeba - MGThe ticket price is 223,11 reais, plus taxes.Choose triptravel with connection
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- Departure at 8 hours arrival at destination 19 hours 30 minutes, this trip will last approximately 11 hours 30 minutesCapelinha - MGParaopeba - MGThe ticket price is 251,66 reais, plus taxes.Choose triptravel with connection
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- Departure at 8 hours arrival at destination 20 hours 15 minutes, this trip will last approximately 12 hours 15 minutesCapelinha - MGParaopeba - MGThe ticket price is 251,66 reais, plus taxes.Choose triptravel with connection
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- Departure at 8 hours arrival at destination 21 hours , this trip will last approximately 13 hoursCapelinha - MGParaopeba - MGThe ticket price is 251,66 reais, plus taxes.Choose triptravel with connection
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- Departure at 8 hours arrival at destination 22 hours 15 minutes, this trip will last approximately 14 hours 15 minutesCapelinha - MGParaopeba - MGThe ticket price is 251,66 reais, plus taxes.Choose triptravel with connection